Mayfair Gold —

Interaction, UI, Visual, Web design

Ahead of the company’s IPO, I partnered with Mayfair Gold’s team to design their forthcoming web presence.

Mayfair Gold is a mineral exploration company with a flagship exploration-stage property in Ontario, Canada.

How might we design to deliver an organized and informative experience for website visitors including existing and potential investors?


Content: Allegra Wiesenfeld and the Mayfair team
Development: JP Smith

Clean, modern and vibrant visual aesthetic

Following a branding comparative audit and stakeholder input, considerations in creating Mayfair's visual identity included:


Inter is used as the site’s primary typeface given its legibility thanks to its tall x-height.

Oswald is used predominantly for headlines, where its robust weight reinforces hierarchy and its condensed width utilizes horizontal space efficiently.


To keep the site professional and breathable, Mayfair uses a classic, neutral color palette that is brightened by hints of the brand’s signature golden yellow tone.


Vibrant nature imagery of the Ontario area is used in the hero areas of the website, which serves to provide visual interest and complement the brand’s neutral color palette.

Interaction Design

A corporate website communicates various types of information upon which the investing community relies to make decisions.

With interests ranging from regulatory financial filings to corporate responsibility disclosure, the investor user would benefit from design considerations meant to improve findability and discoverability of such information and to ensure more comfortable reading and navigation experiences - including when performing investment research on mobile.

Selected Interaction Considerations —

Scrollspy (Automatically Updating Navigation)

Findability:  Provides users with a top-level view of all content and also maps the user's current position on the page.

Discoverability:  Users may browse by scrolling, decreasing friction that would otherwise arise from having to click and load multiple subpages.

Collapsible Modules on Mobile

Mobile view utilizes expandable modules (collapsed by default) to mitigate the need for excessive scrolling on lengthy or text-heavy pages.

Findability:  Collapsed modules serve as a table of contents that allows for quick scanning of the page.

Timing on Dropdown Animations

For dropdowns displayed on hover, a slight delay is included before the menu shows to ascertain that the user meant to hover and would not be subject to dropdowns flickering open and closed as the user runs their mouse over the navigation while scanning.

Accessible Use of MF Gold ( #FFCC66)

Although it exists in an otherwise grayscale palette, Mayfair's gold color was used thoughtfully and avoided in instances where it would not meet accessibility standards and would thus potentially compromise usability (e.g., not used to denote links).